property Styles: TStrings;CSS style sheet for component
property HTMLHint: TStrings;HTML-enabled hint for component. Uses component events and styles
property OnGetURL: TGetUrlEvent; TGetUrlEvent=function(Sender: THtDocument; const URL: string): string of object;Used for requesting images by img elements
property OnRefClick: TNotifyEventEvent is raised when user clicks a link in HTML
HTML Label - VCL TLabel descendant. Supports basic properties and animation
HTML CheckBox - VCL TCheckBox descendant. Supports basic properties and animation
For Delphi XE+ uses VCL themes.
For Delphi XE+ uses VCL themes.
HTML RadioButton - VCL TRadioButton descendant. Supports basic properties and animation
For Delphi XE+ uses VCL themes.
For Delphi XE+ uses VCL themes.
HTML Hint - VCL TBalloonHint descendant. Supports basic properties
For Delphi XE+ uses VCL themes.
For Delphi XE+ uses VCL themes.
HTML Panel - VCL TPanel descendant. Supports basic properties and animation
For Delphi XE+ uses VCL themes.
For Delphi XE+ uses VCL themes.
HTML ListBox - VCL TListBox descendant. Supports basic properties and animation
For Delphi XE+ uses VCL themes.
For Delphi XE+ uses VCL themes.
HTML Category Buttons - VCL TCategoryButtons descendant. Supports basic properties except HTMLHint and OnURLClick
For Delphi XE+ uses VCL themes.
For Delphi XE+ uses VCL themes.
HTML Tree - TVirtualStringTree descendant.
Supports basic properties except OnURLClick.
Can show HTML-enabled hints by standart OnGetHint event
Can show HTML-enabled hints by standart OnGetHint event
HTML Tabs - VCL TTabSet descendant. Supports basic properties except HTMLHint and OnURLClick
Can show individual hints for each tab, provided in "title" attribute.
Can show individual hints for each tab, provided in "title" attribute.
HTML Status Bar - VCL TStatusBar descendant. Supports basic properties except HTMLHint
Can show individual hints for each panel, provided in "title" attribute.
Can show individual hints for each panel, provided in "title" attribute.
HTML Notification window. Supports basic properties
DB-aware HTML label. Supports templates, can show memo and blob (image) fields
Template sample: <img src="/db/graphic"/><!--#Notes-->
Template sample: <img src="/db/graphic"/><!--#Notes-->
Metropolis UI (Live Titles).
THtPanel Descendant. Supports panels drag/drop