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Common properties of Ht* components

property Styles: TStrings;
CSS style sheet for component
property HTMLHint: TStrings;
HTML-enabled hint for component. Uses component events and styles
property OnGetURL: TGetUrlEvent;

TGetUrlEvent=function(Sender: THtDocument; const URL: string): string of object;
Used for requesting images by img elements
 property OnRefClick: TNotifyEvent
Event is raised when user clicks a link in HTML


HTML Label - VCL TLabel descendant. Supports basic properties and animation


HTML CheckBox - VCL TCheckBox descendant. Supports basic properties and animation
For Delphi XE+ uses VCL themes.


HTML RadioButton - VCL TRadioButton descendant. Supports basic properties and animation
For Delphi XE+ uses VCL themes.

THtBalloonHint (Delphi 2010+)

HTML Hint - VCL TBalloonHint descendant. Supports basic properties
For Delphi XE+ uses VCL themes.


HTML Panel - VCL TPanel descendant. Supports basic properties and animation
For Delphi XE+ uses VCL themes.


HTML ListBox - VCL TListBox descendant. Supports basic properties and animation
For Delphi XE+ uses VCL themes.

THtCategoryButtons (Delphi 2007+)

HTML Category Buttons - VCL TCategoryButtons descendant. Supports basic properties except HTMLHint and OnURLClick
For Delphi XE+ uses VCL themes.


HTML Tree - TVirtualStringTree descendant. delphi-gems.com Supports basic properties except OnURLClick.
Can show HTML-enabled hints by standart OnGetHint event


HTML Tabs - VCL TTabSet descendant. Supports basic properties except HTMLHint and OnURLClick
Can show individual hints for each tab, provided in "title" attribute.


HTML Status Bar - VCL TStatusBar descendant. Supports basic properties except HTMLHint
Can show individual hints for each panel, provided in "title" attribute.


HTML Notification window. Supports basic properties


DB-aware HTML label. Supports templates, can show memo and blob (image) fields
Template sample: <img src="/db/graphic"/><!--#Notes-->


Metropolis UI (Live Titles). THtPanel Descendant. Supports panels drag/drop