Main class of the library. Used to create and display HTML documents
Surface: TSurfaceReference to TSurface objects handling grahics procedures
Changed: booleanChange flag, Indicates that styles calculation is needed (CalcStyles)
Styles: TStylesStyle Sheets
NeedRepaint: booleanIndicates that document repaint is needed (Repaint)
NeedRecalcIndicates that document calculation is needed (Recalc)
SubscribedtoAnimation: booleanAnimation subscription flag. Indicates that document receives animation events
DestCanvas: TCanvasLast destination canvas
Control: TControl;Link to VCL TControl. Used by control tag elements
Selection: TDocSelectionDocument selection object
DrawRect: TRect;Last output rectangle on DestCanvas
procedure Parse(html: string)Parses HTML text and builds element tree
procedure Draw(Canvas: TCanvas; const R: TRect);Calculate CSS Styles (CalcStyle), calculate document (Recalc) and paints document to Canvas in R region
procedure CalcSize(FixedWidth: integer=0)Calculates document size (height/width) Returns sizes in CalcWidth and CalcHeight properties You can specify fixed width and calculate height only
function CalcStyle(Styles: TStyles): booleanCalculates document styles
procedure OnMouseMove(x, y: integer; State: TShiftState)Raises document MouseMove event
procedure OnMouseDown(x, y: integer; Down: boolean)Raises document MouseDown event
procedure RecalcCalculate document
function SelectedText: stringDocument selected text
procedure Repaint;Paints document to last canvas provided by Draw
property OnClick: TNotifyEventLink click event
property BeforePaint: TNotifyEventBefore paint event
property OnGetUrl: TGetUrlEventUsed bi img elements to get image data img
property OnRepaint: TNotifyEvent
Global container for HtDocument styles and events
property Styles: TStrings;Global style sheet for project
property OnGetURL: TGetURLEvent read fOnGetURL write fOnGetURL;Global OnGetUrl handler
Current document selection
StartElement, EndElement: TElementFirst/Last selected elements
StartPos, EndPos: integerPosition of selection in first and last elements
function InSelection(E: TElement): boolean;Checks if E is in selection
function Empty: boolean;Checks selection os not empty
function Inverted: boolean;Indicates inverted selection (First>Last)
procedure Clear;Clears selection
Document style
Margin: array[0..3] of TMeasure;Element Margins (outer space)
Padding: array[0..3] of TMeasure;Element Paddings (inner space)
Border: array[0..3] of THtBorderStyle;Element borders (top, right, bottom, left)
Background: TElementBackground;Element background; Contains color, gradients, blur, image
HAlign: THAlign;Horizontal alignment
VAlign: TVAlign;Vertical alignment
FontSize: TMeasure;Size of the font
Display: TDisplayStyle;Display type (none, inline, block...)
Left, Top: TMeasure;Fixed position of the element
Width, Height: TMeasure;Fixed width and height
Float: TFloat;Float type (left, right)
Position: TElementPosition;Position type (absolute, relative...)
BoxShadow: TElementShadow;Box shadow (color, position, blur)
BorderSpacingX, BorderSpacingY: TMeasure;Border spacing
ZIndex: integer;Z Index of the element
Clear: set of TElementClear;Clear type (left, right, both)
Opacity: single;Opacity (0..1)
TextColor: cardinal;Element text color
TextStyle: TFontStyles;Element text style (bold, italic...)
FontName: string;Font family
Zoom: single;Zoom index
Transform: TTransform;Transform type (rotate...)
WhiteSpace: TWhiteSpace;White space
ListStyleType: TListStyleType;List type (none, circle...)
CurrentPC: set of TCSSPseudoclass;List of current pseudoclasses
property Element: TElement
Base class for HTML elements
Id: string;Element ID
StyleClass: string;Element classes (class attribute)
Tag: string;Tag name
Content: string;Element content (for text elements contains text, for image and elements - src, for a elements - href)
Style: TElementStyle;Style object
OuterRect, BorderRect, InnerRect: TRect;Element rectangles (see CSS box model)
Parent: TElement;Element parent
Container: TElement;Element container (first non-inline parent)
CalcWidth, CalcHeight : integer;Calculated outer width and height
InnerWidth, InnerHeight : integer;Calculated inner width and height
RealLeft, RealTop: integer;Real position of the element
ContentWidth, ContentHeight: integer;Element content width and height
SelfStyle: string;style attribute
SelfRects: array of TRect;All element rectangles
Drawed: boolean;Indicates than element was painted
Index: currency;Global index of the element
SelfFlow: TFlow;TFlow object for non-inline elements
StartLine, EndLine: integer;First and last line in Container.Flow
Before, After, Master: TElement;:before and :after elements property Elements: TElementList read getElements; Child elements property Document: THtDocument read GetDocument; Document
Text element class
Class for img tag fot img
Class for input tag
VCL control container class
Class for fieldset tag
Table element class