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Issues fixed in 4.1


  1. Value none was processed incorrectly for max-width/max-height
  2. Incorrect document position when using native iOS canvas and non-zero offset.
  3. Incorrect processing of multiple fonts in font-family.
  4. Incorrect layout when absolute element has inline containing block.
  5. SVG: correct processing path 'a' command with sibling flags with no divider.
  6. GDI canvas issue when SVG use clip path.
  7. FMX: fixed SVG elements position when using viewbox
  8. Vertical placement of inline blocks
  9. Artifacts when using native Android canvas on some resolutions.


  1. DOCX import: fixed superscript style
  2. 'Pop from empty editor stack' error.
  3. AV when deleting selection
  4. Eempty list item cannot be deleted.
  5. Style is not applied to selected cells when selection is reverced (from bottom to top)
  6. Delimiter is added to first word causing incorrect spell checking
  7. AV when pressing space at endf of line after changing text style
  8. Selection is incorrect after applying text transform
  9. Scripter: AV when registering class having same name as record helper.
  10. Scripter: incorrect call to parent method when using inherited property.
  11. Wrong target in script drag events.
  12. FastReport: HTML is exported to PDF as image