Drop-down groups

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Drop-down groups

To create a drop-down groups with DETAIL packet data, use the following  template for the master table:


<template-row custom="true">
  <table {{{tableattributes}}}>
  <input type="checkbox" class="tree" id="{{CUSTNO}}"/>{{{detail}}}


We use input element as a storage for group state.

In the cell template of the main table specify:


   <label for="{{CUSTNO}}"><a>{{CUSTNO}} {{COMPANY}}</a></label>


And add styles:


table {

overflow: hidden;

display: block;

transition: height 0.3s;

transition: opacity 0.3s;


.tree {display:block; position: absolute; left:-500; top:-500}

input + table {height: 0; opacity: 0.2;}

input:checked + table {height: auto; opacity: 1;}



