Cross reports

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Cross reports

To make a cross-report use META.transform attribute, which specifies a list of comma-separated fields. Calculated field in the query must have an alias VALUE.

Parameters for calculated columns are set in a field named *. For example


<FIELD name="*" format="# ### ###.##" align="right" total="sum"/>


Cross-report example:


 <METADATA transform="STATE">
   <FIELD name="COMPANY" total="Total" class="cust"/>
   <FIELD name="*" format="# ### ###.##" align="right" total="sum"/>
   select, c.state, paymentmethod, sum(itemstotal) "VALUE"
   from customer c join orders o on o.custno=c.custno
   group by 1,2,3
   order by 1,2,3


And the result of its execution:




To avoid gaps in columns, specify a range of possible values in “transform” attribute. For example, transform = "sellyear (2005-2014)"


You can specify an expression for caption of range columns using caption attribute for "*" column. Example:


   <FIELD name="*" format="# ### ###.##" align="right" total="sum" caption="?copy(value, 1, 2)"/>